A quick update to inform you my mother finally guilt tripped me enough that I'm currently in the process of finalizing the updates from the Fall of 2007. Not only am I almost done updating the written entries, I will be updating the entries with the photos that should have always accompanied the entries. I'm extremely thankful to have a streaming connection to the internet which makes uploads easy and fast.
My intentions are to continue with this blog for future travels, and not limit it to my semester abroad. I have too many blogs already, having one for travel just makes it easier on my sanity.
As far as anticipation, I'll be spending spring break in London and Prague. The first week (March 14-22) will be spent in London with the likes of Aimee, Amazing Eddy, and a lovely girl named Anna. Then back to Prague (March 22-30) for the second week to re-unite with the fabulous students of FAMU International. I look forward to adding more to this blog.
As for now, I'm spending my time working on my classes (Traditions of Opera, Screen Writing, & Film History of the Long Take), working on films, and spending time in New York City. Below is a photo of me with Jojo of Witches in Bikinis, a band I went to see with some friends on Valentine's Day. "Jojo" was the lead actress in a film I helped manage for my dear friend, Jen.
Enjoy my blonde phase and check back in April for new posts!
All Yours,
Really and Truly,