Prague Status: Good to go! Tickets are bought, I'm leaving September 3rd and arriving September 4th. Now, I just need to get my student visa in order...I really should get my passport back in hand a.s.a.p.
That being said about Prague, I thought I would add a few notes on my few days in L.A., CA. I only came because my Aunt Amy asked me to visit and frankly, killing time here is usually more interesting than killing time at home. While I was here, my Aunt Karen also paid a visit. Basically, it was relaxing. I caught up with my aunts, had some good food, caught up on sleep, etc.
Since I'm still not completely numb to being star struck, I'm going to list the people I saw while I was here this week. When I went to the gym, I caught a glimpse of Matthew Perry. Then at Whole Foods, Ali Larter. When having lunch with the fabulous and talented Rafi Gamboa, I saw a drummer or bass player of a band I must listen to, because he looks familiar. I'll add a note when I figure out who the hell he is. But he has red hair, buzzed, and beady dark eyes. I also saw Nick Stahl at the Grove (aka That Yellow Bastard). I also saw Abraham Benrubi from Men in Trees and George of the Jungle while at brunch with my Aunts and Jeffrey, and then again at the Arc Light a couple days later. And just when I thought, nothing could be better than having seen Matthew Perry (Chandler is my fav from Friends - just ask Sunny or Jael, they will tell you how critical a siting like this is), I pass Shannon Leto in the Arc Light! Good God, talk about star struck. I couldn't function properly for about 10 minutes. I was dying to tell him how bummed I am I'm missing his concert in London. Oi! Too bad I have more integrity than I used to, otherwise, I might have approached him, or any of the above for that matter.
Also, saw Death at a Funeral. Very enjoyable, I recommend it. Nothing terribly new or fresh, but definitely worth seeing for a good laugh. Also went to the Getty again. Always a beautiful experience. Here are a few pictures I took while out and about.
This is an elephant that was painted on the wall of a store called Spirituali.
This is a cool light fixture that was in Anthropologie.
This could easily be recreated at home, but it looked pretty cool at the time.
Sculpture at the entrance of the Getty. Notice the lovely California weather?Anyway, all in all, a nice few days. I got to hang with Rafi, see my Aunts and their friends. Got to go to a party with a bittersweet tone in the air. Which will lead me into another entry later.
All for now.