06 September 2007

Walking Around [Day 1 Cont.]

Cristian did finally show up. Turns out he had met some people and fallen asleep at their hostel. We met up with them later after he got back and took a nap. The bulk of the people he had met were Latino/a, so I did more listening than speaking (I'm trying to pick up whatever Spanish I can). It was nice to get to meet people who were traveling, as well as people who actually live in Prague.

Anyway, everyone's been asking for descriptions. Honestly, I didn't label anything because I didn't know what I was looking at, I just wanted to give an idea of the scenery.

This was just one of the better pictures I took of buildings along the river.

This is the National Theater. It's one of my favorite buildings in the city.
We're going to the opera on Saturday night in one of the newer sections of the theater. This is the original building, it's just breathtaking.

I took this in a park just off the river.

This was taken from the same park.

This was a church I passed on the way back to Salmovska.


Kai Carver said...

Nice. Now more pictures with people in them, please :-)

oeste2 said...

I second Kai and ask for a description or title of what we are seeing! Looks like a beautiful place so far!

Leslie said...

Very cool, Meghan! Keep 'em coming!

Anonymous said...

Looks so pretty and refreshingly different from Salt Lake City...but like your mom says, what are we seeing??!!

Eric G. said...

Those pictures are amazing. Prague looks beautiful! I can already see this blog turning into something great.

Anonymous said...

descriptions are a plus... looks beautiful though. how's the food? that is so funny that you saw Dr. Barnett!! I always loved him.

naomi said...

we'll have to meet up soon!